No Sincere Muslim Would Ever Support Sayd Qutb

Author: Shaikh Rabee'

Source: Lecture entitled "The Danger of Lying"

Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee


Q: What are the things which are specific (and identifying characteristics) of the Qutbiyyah and partisanship because they say, "Allah said, the Messenger said" and utilize proofs from the narrations and statements of the Salaf in order to deceive the people. So how could we know and distinguish them (from other than them)?

A: The affair of the Qutbiyyah is easy. They are known by alliance to Sayd Qutb and their defense of him in falsehood as well as their alliance to the Qutbi party and their (aim) to make it dominant over the people of the Sunnah. They have many signs which I have (previously) mentioned. Read the books which speak about them that I have written and that which I have written against Sayd Qutb. This would give (an individual) insight and strong background knowledge of the reality of these individuals; for indeed they are people of deception and deceit, (some of them) calculatively cloak themselves with Salafiyyah (and pretend to be Salafy) in their vanguard plot against Salafiyyah and it's people. These (Qutbi) individuals are not upon the methodology of the Salaf whatsoever. They only employ this deception (of being Salafy and/or religious) to deceive the people because without this, there would never be any alliance to Sayd Qutb because no true (and sincere) Muslim would ever support him!