Supplicate With This Supplication During Times Of Tumultuous Rainfall

Author: The Esteemed and Noble Shaikh Saalih Bin Fawzaan Al Fawzaan (hafithahullah)


Translator: Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee

The Esteemed and Noble Shaikh Saalih Bin Fawzaan Al Fawzaan (hafithahullah) who is a member of the Council of Major Scholars and a member of the Permanent Committee for issuing Islaamic Rulings for the General masses of Muslims, pointed out (the following):

“When there is an abundant amount of rainfall and it is feared some harm (due to the tumultuous rainfall) the Muslim should supplicate to his Lord and thus say, 

"اللهم حولينا وال علينا، اللهم على الضراب واآلكام وبطون األودية ومنابت الشجر"

“O Allah (let it rain) around us and not upon us; O Allah let it rain upon the plateaus/hills, mountains, center of the valleys and on the groves of tress (or the places where trees grow).” [Bukhaari & Muslim]

Then the his eminence turned his attention to the Prophet’s (ﷺ) guidance as relates to (regular) rainfall (where) he would say,

"مطران بفضل هللا وبرمحته، اللهم صيبا انفعا"

“Rain is upon us by the bounty and mercy of Allah; O Allah make these rain clouds beneficial.” [Bukhaari & Muslim]

Then his eminence supplicated to (Allah) the Protector (‘Azza wa Jall) that He benefit the country and servants with the rain and (and that He) makes it (for them) a mercy and blessing which quenches their thirst.”

Shaykh Baazmool Warns The Parents Of Children Sickened By The Khawaarij

Author: Shaykh Aḥmad Bāzmūl

Source: Al-Madārij Fī Kashf Shubuhāt Al-Khawārij, pages 107-108. Translated 2nd of Safar, 1437 AH (11/14/2015) Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC

Translator: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

I direct a warning to the guardians from the fathers, mothers, and other than them, that they pay attention and watch over their children in order that they don’t fall into speaking ill about the scholars and the Muslim rulers, due to which they may fall into the affairs of innovation and evil desires. That which is important, oh guardian, is that you know who are the companions of your child. Are they from the righteous gatherings or are they from the evil gathering?

It’s a mistake (on your part, oh guardian) if you think that the evil companion which you will not let your child accompany is only (limited to) the one who doesn’t pray, the one who smokes or does this or that from the acts of disobedience. Rather, there are those who are more evil than this (person who commits these acts of disobedience) and whose danger is more severe upon your child. That person is the youth whose outward appearance is that of righteousness and goodness. He prays with the Muslims and grows his beard (for example). However, he carries deviant and misgudied theories. He believes that the (Muslim) society is corrupt and not suitable. He believes it’s obligatory to change it and remove those who are presently (in authority). This person is more corrupted than the person of sin. He’s more dangerous than the person of sin, whether it’s regarding an individual or the society.

So that the picture becomes clearer to you, I’m going to mention some matters; if you find your child falling into them, then know that he is accompanying a youth who is not suitable for him to keep company with. Rather, it is obligatory that you keep him away and protect him from them:

* If you hear your child speaking ill of the committee of Major Scholars, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.

* If you hear your child reviling, cursing, and speaking ill of this country (Saudi Arabia) and its rulers, then know that he is these (corrupted) youth.

* If you see him accompanying and going out with a group from the youth and there is a youth similar to them in age or slightly older leading them and organizing them and they call him their Amīr (leader), the organizer or the one responsible for them (the youth), then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.

* If you see him not going to the ‘Ulamā (Scholars of Islam) and listening to their speech, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.

* If you hear him saying “Jihād, Jihād” and “The ruler is not commanding (the people) with making Jihād”, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.

* If you see him following the news of these individuals who speak ill of this country (Saudi Arabia) from the likes of al-Faqīh and those like him, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.

* If you see him having concern and constantly reading the news papers and magazines and following up on the broadcast and news, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.

Oh noble parent, I ask Allah ‘azza wa jall to reward our scholars and rulers with all that is good, protect them from all evil and give them the success to be upon that which He loves and is pleased with from the speech and the actions. Likewise I ask Him, glory be to Him, the Most High, that He protects me, you and our children from all bad and evil. May the Ṣalāh and Salām be upon our Prophet Muḥammad, his family and companions.

Notes from Abu Yusuf Khaleefah:

  1. Speaking ill of the scholars is a known trait of the Khawārij. They do so in order to discredit the scholars and turn the people away from them, due to the Scholars knowing the reality of the Khawārij and exposing their falsehood.
  2. Speaking ill of the rulers is also a known trait of the Khawārij. They speak ill of the rulers in order to rouse the people up against them, up until the point where they declare the Muslim rulers to be Kuffaar without right. As result, the Khawārij justify their rebellion against the Muslim rulers.
  3. The scholars of Islam are the inheritors of the Prophets. They inherit the knowledge that the Prophet left behind. With their absence, whether by death or them being abandoned by the people, there will be chaos and turmoil. Both of these are from the methodology of the Khawārij i.e. chaos and turmoil.
  4. The Khawārij of our times use media to promote their ideologies and propaganda, distracting the people from the legislated knowledge. These deviant media include combat footage, videos of Muslim children being killed, etc, all in an effort to gain the support and sympathy of the people so that the people can join their corrupted cause.
  5. The methodology of the Khawārij in (their so-called) bringing about social rectification opposes the Prophetic methodology in bringing about rectification.
  6. The Khawārij are main concerned with the wealth and seat of power, just as their leader Dhul-Khuwaysirah’s concern was the wealth when he said to the Prophet: “Oh Muḥammad be just (in the distribution of the wealth).”
  7. The methodology of the Khawaarij is one of secrecy whereas the call of the Prophet Muḥammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam was apparent and known.
  8. The methodology of the Khawārij causes severing of the ties of kinship based upon falsehood, whereas the methodology of the Prophet Muḥammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam preserves the ties of kinship upon the truth and uprightness.
  9. The scholars of Islam have long warned against the likes of Usāmah bin Laden, Ayman Ẓawahiri, al-Faqīh, al-Qaidah, and the other leaders of their respective terrorist groups. The scholars of Islam have warned against these criminals as a means of clarifying the truth, refuting falsehood and preserving the stability of the societies.
  10. Islam is against terrorism, the killing of innocent souls, causing corruption in the earth etc. Therefore, it is not befitting to say “Islamic Terrorist” due to the corrupted and ignorant Muslims who commit acts of terror. Rather the blame and fault is to be placed on those individuals and not the religion itself.

Bārak Allāhu fīkum. May the Ṣalāh and Salām be upon the Noble Prophet Muḥammad, his family, his companions, and his followers.

Women Traveling Alone By Airplane?

Author: Shaykh ‘Abd-ul-‘Azīz Āl-ish-Shaykh (may Allāh preserve him)

Translators: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Al Juyaanee


What is the ruling on a woman traveling on an airplane without a mahram (legal guardian)?

I swear by Allah the One for whose sake I give this ruling that this is not permissible.

Q&A With The Noble Shaykh Alee Naasir Al-Faqeehi

Author: Shaykh Alee Naasir al-Faqeehi

Source: Questions posed and translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah NYC USA, 9th of Jumaada al-Awwal 1435/ March 10th 2014

Translators: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

This is a Q & A session that I had with the Noble Shaykh Alee Naasir al-Faqeehi (may Allaah preserve him) on the 11th of Dhul-Hijjah, 1434 in Minaa during Hajj last year. May Allaah reward the Shaykh for his kindness and allowing me to enter into his sleeping quarters to ask these questions and then have lunch with him. I benefited tremendously from the mannerisms and knowledge of the Shaykh. This Q & A Session was in the presence of one of the Shaykh's sons who was on Hajj with him and Shaykh Fayhaan al-Mutayyiree (one of the Shuyookh of Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee) who was in the same sleeping area of Shaykh Alee Naasir.

Q1. You have from amongst the people those who have become apostates from the Deen of Islaam in America. You find this apostate saying that he has found that the Deen of Islaam is not the true religion. From that which he uses as a proof is the Prophet's (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) marriage to 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) when she was young in age.

A1. Firstly, the Messenger never made a mistake (when making ijtihaad) in a matter except that Allaah clarified to him that which is correct regarding that matter. Allaah has never approved of any mistake made by the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). As an example, Allaah stated:

قَدْ سَمِعَ اللَّهُ قَوْلَ الَّتِي تُجَادِلُكَ فِي زَوْجِهَا وَتَشْتَكِي إِلَى اللَّهِ

Allaah has indeed heard the statement of the woman who pleads with you concerning her husband and carries her complaint to Allaah. [al-Mujaadilah: 1]

Allaah directed the Prophet to that which was correct regarding the issue of Khawlah bint Tha'labah with her husband. When she complained to the Prophet against her husband (Aws ibn as-Saamit) that he said to her that she's to him like the back of his mother, the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) told her to fear Allaah regarding the right of her husband. Then Allaah sent down the revelation regarding her affair.

The second example is that of the battle of Badr regarding the prisoners of war. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) sought the advice of Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) regarding the prisoners of war. Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) advised the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) to release them. He sought the advice from Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) and Umar advised the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) to execute them. The Messenger of Allaah ransomed them off and Allaah revealed:

مَا كَانَ لِنَبِيٍّ أَن يَكُونَ لَهُ أَسْرَىٰ حَتَّىٰ يُثْخِنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ

It's not befitting that the Prophet should have prisoners of war until he has thoroughly subdued the land. [al-Anfaal: 67]

Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) married his daughter Aaishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) to him (the Prophet). If the Prophet's (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) marriage to Aaishah was a mistake, Allaah would have corrected the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). His enemies from the Quraysh didn't mention this matter (as a point of criticism) against him although they were the ones who had the greatest enmity towards him. Therefore this matter is not an evidence for that which this apostate has stated. Rather the one who questions the Prophet's integrity, then that individual's integrity is in question!

Q2. What are the duties and responsibilities that are obligatory upon the Imaams of the Masaajid in America?

A2. That which is upon the Imaams is that they fulfill all of the duties and responsibilities of the Imaam. From these responsibilities: the preservation of the five daily prayers (in the Masjid), teaching the people the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and that he is an example for the people, a person of good character. The obligations of Islaam that are in Saudi are the same obligations of Islaam in America. That's because Islaam is Islaam in any place.

Q3. We have amongst us in America a person who ascribes to Ahlus-Sunnah, however he goes to the Masaajid of Ahlul-Bid'ah to give Da'wah according to his claim. These people from Ahlul-Bid'ah capitalize off of the presence of this Salafi, Sunni caller. They say that they are upon the truth because this individual comes to them and works with them. What is your statement regarding this matter?

A3. If this person is being influenced by the people and at the same time these people of innovation are using the presence of this caller (to prove that they are on the truth) and they don't accept when he corrects the mistakes that are with them, he should not go. However the person of knowledge, one of good character who fortifies himself from their errors, the one who is not influenced by them, it's permissible for him to go amongst them to clarify the truth. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) went amongst the polytheist and called them to Islaam. Therefore it's a must that we call the people of innovation to the Sunnah. However, this is for the person of knowledge who is grounded and strong (upon the knowledge). He's not influenced by them. So the one who goes amongst must look and see whether or not they are benefiting from his Da'wah or not? He must look to see if they are accepting from him or not?

Q4.We find from some of the students of knowledge who say: He doesn't have a problem with going amongst the Hizbees, The Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen as long as they will pay him to come give a lecture or a class. What is your statement regarding this?

A4.This is not befitting that he goes amongst for them purpose of attaining money.

Q5.As you know, we have many family problems amongst our communities in America. One of the reasons for that is many people who have accepted Islaam were not cultivated upon the importance of family life and family structure (prior to Islaam). What is the correct way to cultivate these individuals upon the importance of family life and family structure? Also what is the best book that you advise the Imaams to study regarding these family matters, in order that they educate the people regarding these issues?

A5. I advise them with reading Riyaadus-Saaliheen of Imaam an-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy upon him) with the explanation of Imaam Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy upon him). The reason is due to the chapters that are present (within the book) which deal with the purification of the soul, the rights of the people and other than that from the affairs of Fiqh. (Shaykh Fayhaan al-Mutayyiree was the one who mentioned the book first and then Shaykh Alee Naasir added to what he said).

Q6. The last matter. We have some differences taking place amongst the Imaams and callers in America. What is your advice to me specifically and for the callers, Imaams and students of knowledge in general regarding the differences that are taking place amongst us in America?

A6.It is not befitting for you all to be differing. It's a must that your word is one word. If you differ regarding a matter, you should sit amongst yourselves and discuss the affair which is taking place amongst you. Do not involve the common folk into these affairs and do not inform them of them. Also is not befitting for one to go and call a scholar without the others. It's a must that they call together while they are all present in order that the scholar can hear from both sides and bring about rectification.

This was the end of the Q and A session with the Shaykh. I then had lunch with the Shaykh and the others that were present. Then Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee (may Allaah preserve him)came to the tent, for he also was staying in those quarters. I asked the Shaykh for advice for the students of knowledge here in America. The Shaykh's advice was short and to the point:

"Fear Allaah, seek knowledge, teach the people their religion and do not busy yourselves with the affairs of differing that's taking place."

May Allaah have mercy upon all of the Mashaayikh of Ahlus-Sunnah, those who have died amongst them as well as those who are alive. May He preserve our living scholars upon goodness and allow us to be from those who benefit from their knowledge, Ameen.

Fatwah On Hijrah

Author: Ash-Shaykh 'Aadil As-Sayyid حفظه الله و ورعاه

Source: WhatsApp October 23rd, 2017 (Safar 2nd, 1439 AH)

Translators: Abu Abdil-Haadee Khaleel Davis


As Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, may Allah treat you well. I am from America. My wife and I live with my mother, my father and my grandfather in the same house. I have previously traveled to the Muslim land to seek knowledge several times. My father is addicted to drugs and my grandfather has sexual (deviant) abnormalities and there is a dog in the house, and with Allaah aid is sought.

I want to go back to the Muslim land to seek knowledge and to live there but my mother wants me to remain with her in order to assist her materially and morally. This is because my father can not take care of her, but I do not want to live in this environment because it harms me and my wife’s Deen. Benefit me (with an answer) jazaakum Allaahu Khayran.

Wa ‘Alaikumus Salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu

If he is able to preserve his deen with satisfying his mother (by staying) then let him do that; however, if he found that he will fall into harm, then he should make hijra (alone with his wife and leave his mother behind) if his mother is a disbelieving woman. However, if she is a Muslimah, it is then upon him to take her with him and (neither of them) should remain with these disbelievers.

Shaykh Waleed Al-Baghdaadi was presented with the question, who presented it to Shaykh 'Aadil. May Allaah preserve them both.

The permission to spread this question was sought from Shaykh Waleed Al-Baghdaadi. Who sought the permission of Ash-Shaykh 'Aadil.

Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil Is Not Specific To The Men

Author: Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān

Source: At-Ta'līq 'Alā Risālah: Wujūb Al-Amr bil-Ma'rūf Pg.62

Translators: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

The Noble Scholar Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān حفظه الله stated:

Also, amongst the women there are believers and callers (to Islām). Amongst them are those who command the good and forbid the evil. This is not specifically for the men. Let the women be aware of this and (each woman) should start in her home, her daughters and her sons. She begins by cultivating them upon the obedience (of Allāh).

Marry A Woman Upon The Sunnah

Author: Imaam Muqbil

Source: Al Bashaa’ir Fee Samaa’il Mubaashar Pg. 17

Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Al Juyaanee

Imaam Muqbil said,

I advise the Student of Knowledge to marry a woman upon the Sunnah, so they, together, can build a household upon the Sunnah.

The Signs Of A Follower Of Desires

Author: Shaykh Muḥammad Bin ‘Umar Bāzmūl

Source: الانتصار للسنة

Translator: Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool said:

The signs of a follower of desires are:

  1. He does not submit to the truth and evidence, even if it's made clear to him.
  2. He accuses the truth and its people of mistake.
  3. He does not traverse upon the way of the Pious Predecessors as it pertains to deduction (i.e. of a ruling).
  4. His intent is to nullify the sunan, and to refute the speech of his opponent. It is not to seek the truth and accept it.
  5. Revilement of the scholars and abandonment of returning to them.
  6. He is known by his methodology -to have- hostility towards the Sunnah and demands the repelling of it.

The Salafy Da’wah Is In Need Of Men

Author: Shaykh ‘Usāmah Al-‘Utayby

Translator: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

The Salafì Da'wah is in need of men. From manhood is being truthful, having patience and being established upon the truth. Whoever you find to be a liar, deceiver, plotter and a game playing deviant, he's not a man who the Salafi Dawah is established by.

"O you who believe, fear Allāh and be with the truthful."

The People Of Trials And Tribulations

Author: Shaykh 'Ādil Mansūr

Source: Lecture entitled “Hearing And Obeying” (Tape: 1)

Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Al Juyaanee

Shaikh Abul ‘Abbaas ‘Aadil Mansoor Al Baashaa (hafithahullah) said,

(Imaam) Al-Bukhaari (raḥimahullah) reported aḥādeeth on listening and obeying (the Muslim ruler) in The Book of Trials and Tribulations. This is because those who go against these aḥādeeth are the people of trials and tribulations and the cause of FITAN (trials and tribulations).

The Sufis Of The Sa’aafiqah

Author: Shaykh Abu Abdil-'Alaa Khaalid Ibn Muhammad Uthmaan al-Misree (hafithahullah)

Source: إبطال الغلو الشنيع في الشيخ ربيع

Translator: Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Among the propaganda of this current fitna (i.e. The Sa'aafiqah) are emerging phrases deemed as repulsive fanaticism towards Sheikh Rabee ibn Haadi, from that which the Sheikh himself would not be pleased with, if these phrases reached him. Among them are as follows:

  1. Hafidh Ahwaari Al Maghribi's statement: Sheikh Rabee, the condition of men are not hidden from him, thus he is the knower of the unseen and of what the hearts conceal. He distinguishes between the liar and the truthful, thus whoever believes what's contrary to that has reviled the Sheikh.
  2. One among them's statement: If Ferkous is the most knowledgeable concerning Algeria's current affairs, then Sheikh Rabee is the most knowledgeable concerning the world in its entirety's current affairs.
  3. Ahmad Ubaydah Al Jazaa'iri's speech: Do not be grief stricken as all are naked except whomever the illustrious scholar Rabee covers.
  4. Abu Abdillah Al Hashimi: Cling to Sheikh Rabee, indeed he is from the major scholars. Hence, I swear by Allah, he is from the trustworthy handhold of that which Allah praise is bestowed -on account of- clinging to it.
  5. Abul-Buraa Al Maghribi: Everyone's speech is accepted or rejected except the inhabitant of this grave (i.e. The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam), and Rabee-us-Sunnah during times of fitna because he follows the last of prophets and messengers.
  6. Abu Abdillah Salim Al-Libi: Everyone's speech is accepted or rejected except Sheikh Rabee.
  7. Ahmad Nadir: I swear by the Lord of the Ka'bah you lie! Everyone who harms Sheikh Rabee Al-Madkhali consequently exits Allah's religion, is disobedient to the Lord of all that exist, and is an enemy to the Muslims.
  8. Abdullah Khayri: During this fitna, be with Sheikh Rabee, so as not to be lost.
  9. Muhammad Husayn: Go to Sheikh Rabee and -in order to- repent to Allah.
  10. Muhammad Iliyyin: O brothers! I summon you to witness that indeed I am with Sheikh Rabee ibn Haadi, may Allah preserve him, with respect to his speech, acknowledgements, judgments, warnings, and clarifications. Indeed I accept the judgments emanating from him regardless if it be tabdi, takfir, warning, or alienation. All of it I accept, in general and specific. Furthermore, I affirm its correctness regardless if I have seen the proof or not, and regardless if I know the gist of the speech or not...

These statements are even worse than the statements of fanaticism made towards Hajuri during that fitna. For this reason Sheikh Khalid puts forth a praiseworthy effort in repelling this foolishness, from his rebuttal is the following:

If Sheikh Rabee -may Allah spare him from the evil of these radical fanatics- is the knower of the unseen and what the hearts conceal, he covers the naked, and is the most knowledgeable concerning the current affairs of the whole world, then certainly he has been described with qualities of divinity. Thus the speech of these people are insinuations against him similar to the radical fanatics of the Shia for their imams, and the Sufis for their scholars.

And if Sheikh Rabee -may Allah spare him from the evil of these radical fanatics- is from the trustworthy handhold, and everyone's speech is accepted or rejected except Allah's Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- and Sheikh Rabee's, whoever brings harm towards him consequently exits Allah's religion, if you want to repent then binding upon you is to go to him in order to repent to Allah, and if his speech is accepted in general and specific, it is affirmed to be correct whether you looked at his proof or not, or whether you know the gist of his speech or not, then certainly Sheikh Rabee has now become on the level of the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- as there is for him (i.e. Sheikh Rabee by way of these descriptions) rights of the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- being specified for him.

Thus Sheikh Khalid is right when saying about these radical fanatics among the Sa'aafiqah, "For this reason it is correct for me to dub these radical fanatics as the Sufis of the Sa'aafiqah." As the fanatics have resembled them to the letter with regards to their out of bounds fanaticism towards Sheikh Rabee, in which we hear no disapproval from others among the Sa'aafiqah who have clearly called to blind following of Sheikh Rabee, but have not reached this level of extremism. May Allah guide us.

Call To Good And Forbid Evil

Al-Imaam Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) commented on the statement of Allaah: 

"And let there be from amongst you a group calling to that which is good, commanding the right and forbidding the wrong. Those are the ones who are successful. And do not be like those who separated and differed after the guidance has come to them." (Aali 'Imraan: 104-105) 

The Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy upon him) stated: 

"This indicates that leaving off  the commanding of the right and the forbidding of the wrong is a cause for the differing and separation (amongst the Muslims)." (Liqaa-aat Ma'a Rijaalil-Hisbah pg.9-10)

Shaykh 'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) comments on the statement of Allaah: 

"Therefore whoever pardons and rectifies then his reward is upon Allaah." (Ash-Shooraa: 40). 

The Shaykh commented saying: 

"This is in regards to the rights between the people. Allaah has made Islaah a condition in pardoning (others) with His statement: "and rectifies." This indicates that if there's no rectification in pardoning, then pardoning is not legislated." (Liqaa-aat Ma'a Rijaalil-Hisbah pg. 11-12)

Fear Not And Speak The Truth

 On Abū Sa'īd Al-Khudrī رضي الله عنه the Messenger of Allāh صلى الله عليه وسلم said: 

"Let not fear of the people prevent a person from saying the truth if/when he knows it." In another wording: "if/when he witnessed or heard it." 

[At-Tirmidhī /Ibn Mājah/Silsilatus Saheehah/Authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albānī].

Al-Imām Al-Albānī رحمه الله stated: 

"In the narration there is the stressed prohibition of concealing knowledge due to the fear of the people or desiring livelihood. Everyone who conceals it due to their (the people's) harming (of him) with different types of harm like: beating, cursing, cutting off the person's provisions, not being respected (by them) and the likes, he enters into the prohibition and is in opposition to the Prophet (ﷺ)."

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

Shaikh Usaamah Al ‘Utaybee On Abu Muhammad Ridwaan Al Maghribee

Question posed and translated By Najeeb Al Anjelesi 

Q: As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

O Sheikh, may Allah be kind towards you. Here in America we have a man within the field of dawah who's name is Ridwan Al Maghribi, but he is well known by his kunya Abu Muhammad. Some people here say about him that he is "A mountain of knowledge" and "For us hi is a authority -in knowledge- returned to" and he is "A sheikh" and he is this and that from descriptive terms that are considered to be praises of him. The question: Do you know this man and what is your opinion of him?

A: Sheikh Usaamah Al ‘Utaybee: Wa alaykummus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.

This one is an ignorant layperson from the Sa'aafiqah, the people of lies and false testimony.

Bundar’s Tazkiyyah For Al Bukhaari

Author: al-Imām al-Dhahabī (rahimahullah)

Source: Siyar

Translator: Hisham Abouzeid

Muhammad Ibnu Abi Haatim Al-Warraaq said: I heard Muhammad Ibnu Isma'eel [Al-Bukhaari] saying: When I entered Basrah, I went to the gathering of Bundar. And when his eyes fell on me, he said: 

"Where is the young man from?" 

I replied: "From the people of Bukhara." 

He said: "How is Abu Abdillah doing [i.e. Al-Bukhaari]?" 

So I stayed silent. 

So [those present] said to him: "May Allah have mercy on you, he [the young man you're speaking to] is Abu Abdillah". 

So, he got up and took me by the hand and hugged me, then said: 

"Welcome to the one I've been boasting about for years [now]".


Translator's Note: Bundar is from the most outstanding scholars of hadith and his narrations are found in the six books of the Sunnah. He heard of the young scholar who was more than 25 years his junior, Al-Bukhaari, for years yet he never saw him. Nonetheless, he continually spoke most highly of him based on that which used to reach him.

Loving To Be Known Breaks The Back

Author: al-Imām al-Dhahabī (Rahimahullah)

Source: السير 381/18

A man said to his companion, ”Did Khatīb (i.e. al-Baghdādī) mention me in (his book) Tārīkh Baghdād from amongst those who are trustworthy or from amongst the liars?

So his companion said: “He didn’t make any mention of you!”

So the man said: “If only he mentioned me, even if it was amongst the liars!”

Reflection On The Young Men In The Cave

Author: As Sheikh Al Allaamah Al Imaam ‘Abdur Rahmaan bin Naasir As Sa’dee (Rahimahullah)

Source: تيسير الكريم الرحمٰن ١\٤٧٣ 

Translator: Muhammad Abouharb

Allah -the Glorified and Exalted- said (what means):

{When the young men fled seeking refuge in the cave}

Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmān as-S’īdī (rahimahullah) said:

In this story is a proof that whoever flees with his religion from trials and tribulations, then Allah will save him from them.

And whoever seeks well-being and refuge with Allah, Allah will grant him well-being and refuge, and He will make him as a guidance for others.

And whoever endures calamities for Allah’s sake while seeking His pleasure will have a final outcome that is honorable from where he could never imagine.

Advice To Sunni Husbands

Author: Shaykh Muhammad ‘Ali Farkoos

SourceAl-Fatwā #446

Translator: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

The Noble Scholar Shaykh Ferkūs حفظه الله stated:

Indeed that which I can advise the Sunnī husband with is choosing that which makes him happy in his worldly affairs and in his hereafter. And it is that he chooses the righteous wife who guards (her practice of) the religion by statement and action. She holds fast to the virtues and mannerisms of the religion and she takes care of the rights of the husband and protect his children.

Whoever Assumes Success In The Fitna And Scheming Has Reserved Bad Thoughts For The Lord

Author: Shaykh ‘Usāmah Al-‘Utayby

Source: Twitter

Translator: Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Sheikh Usamah Al Utaybi said:

Whoever assumes that the Sa'aafiqah will be successful as it pertains to their fitna and scheming, and that the aftermath is for them (i.e. in their favor), then undoubtedly he has reserved bad thoughts for the Lord of all that exist. Indeed Allah says:

إن الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين

“Indeed Allah will not make prosperous the actions of mischief makers.” [Yunus: 81]

Tajweed: It’s Meaning, Goal And Ruling

Author: Shaikh Ahmad Shakir (rahimahullah)

Source: An Adaptation Of Beneficial Guidance in the Tajweed Science By Shaikh Muhammad Al Mahmood (Famously known as Abu Reemah)

Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Al Juyaanee

Q: What is the meaning of "Tajweed" linguistically and in the context of "the science of Tajweed"?

A: Linguistically, Tajweed means to perform something good and in an excellent manner. Tajweed in the context of "the science of tajweed" is the knowledge by way of which one knows how to give each letter its inherited and appropriate right in each and every situation, from its characteristics, length, lightness, strength, and other than that.

Q: What is the goal of Tajweed?

A: The goal of Tajweed is to safeguard ones tongue from making mistakes when reciting the Book of Allah.

Q: What is the legislated Islaamic ruling on learning and implementing the science of Tajweed?

A: Learning the science of Tajweed is fard kifaayah (a responsibility of the Muslim community as a whole). Acting upon its rules and regulations, however, is an individual responsibility upon every accountable (pubescent, mentally sound) Muslim man and woman who wishes to recite anything from the Qur’an.

Do Not Surrender Your Deen To One Who Is Not Infallible

Author: Shaykh Waseeyullaah Abbaas

Source: At-Taqleed (Blind Following) and it’s Ruling, pg. 95 (Originally translated 7/27/19)

Translator: Abu Abdil-Alim Amin Manning al-Makki

Our Shaykh, the scholar of Hadeeth, Wasī-Allah bin Muhammad Abbãs, may Allah preserve him, said:

“So we advise every Muslim, [who has been blessed with] insight/mental perception in his religion, is merciful to his own soul and a [sincere] advisor to himself, do not surrender [the] steering of his [or her] intellect, his [or her] thinking, his [or her] creed and his [or her] deed[s] to [one who is] not infallible, no matter how high his status in Ilm (knowledge), taqwa (piety) and salaah (righteousness).”

Translator note: That which is between the brackets [ ] was added to complete the translation, or for clarity, or additional benefit.

Golden Advice From Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool

Author: Shaykh Muḥammad Bin ‘Umar Bāzmūl

Source: Shaykh Muhammad Bāzmūl’s Official FB page

Translator: Muhammad Abouharb

Shaykh Muhammad Bāzmūl (may Allah preserve him) stated:

In order for you to be successful:

  • Know your mistake.
  • Acknowledge it and do not be arrogant and bypass it.
  • Do not repeat the (same) mistake twice.
  • Benefit from the mistake by knowing it, and do not fall into it again.
  • Failure isn’t that you make a mistake. But rather, failure is that you make the same mistake twice.
  • And it comes in the Noble Hadīth, ”The believer isn’t stung from the same hole twice.”
  • Praise Allah for guiding you to the truth, and giving you the success to accept it. And supplicate to Him to aid you to act upon it.
  • Acknowledge the virtue of the one who directed you to the truth, and thank him for it. For indeed, one has not truly thanked Allah, unless he has thanked the people.