His Ex-Wife Doesn't Allow Him To Speak With And/Or Visit His Children Regularly

Author: Shaykh Abdur-Rahmān Muhyiddīn, and Shaykh ‘Usāmah Al-‘Utayby

Source: Question posed on Muharram 5th, 1439 (September 25th, 2017) by your brother Abu Abdil Haadee Khaleel Davis via WhatsApp.

Translators: Abu Abdil-Haadee Khaleel Davis

Question: As Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi. Our virtuous Shaykh, may Allaah bless you. How can a Muslim deal with his ex-wife that does not allow him to talk to and/or see his children often. Sometimes this is for several weeks due to the (ex-wife's) jealousy of him marrying another wife. This has been (the case) over the past five years. Does he take her to the non-Islamic courts in order to get his children due to her not taking the advice of the Muslims?

Answer: Advise her and remind her with Allaah.

Questioner: And if she doesn't fear Allaah, and continues O virtuous Shaykh?

Shaykh: Tell Allaah about her, say, “O Lord, what do I do with her, O Lord of all that exists, give me success (as relates to her and in this affair),” and seek aid with Allaah.

Questioner: May Allaah bless you our Shaykh and father. Do I have permission to spread your statements for the benefit of the Muslims in case the question is asked again?

Shaykh: No problem.

Questioner: May Allaah preserve you our virtuous Shaykh. As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi.

Shaykh Usaamah al-'Utayby حفظه الله و ورعاه added by stating: If he isn't able to see his kids except by way of the courts of the non Muslims, then this is permissible due to necessity and Allaah knows best.

Questioner: May Allaah bless you our virtuous shaykh.

Explanation Of The Hadeeth, "Verily, From The Blessings Of The Woman..."

Author: Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadi Al Madkhali

Source: Multiple sources which are referenced throughout the article.

Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Al Juyaanee

The Prophet ﷺ said,

"Verily, from the blessings bestowed upon the woman is that her engagement is easy, her dowry is easy, and her womb is easy."

This Hadeeth has been collected by: Imaam Ahmad in his Musnad (6/77, 24522), and by Imaam Ibn Hibbaan (9/405, 4095), and by Imaam At-Tabaraanee in Al-Awsat (4/62, 3612), and by Imaam Al-Haakim (2/196, 2739) and by Imaam Abu Nu'aym in Al-Hilya (3/163), and by Imaam Al-Bayhaqee (7/235, 14135), by way of Usaamah Bin Zayd Al-Laythee on the authority of Safwaan Bin Saleem on the authority of 'Urwah on the authority of 'Aaisha (radi Allahu ‘anha) .

Imaam Al-Haakim said this hadeeth is upon the conditions of Imaam Muslim, and Imaam Ath-Thahabee agreed with him. Imaam Al-'Iraaqee said its chain is good and Imaam Al-Albaanee said its chain is Hasan.

Imaam Al-Manaawee said in At-Tayseer:

(Verily, the blessings bestowed upon the woman...): (meaning), from her blessings.

(...her engagement is easy...): خِطبة with a Kasrah, (meaning), that it is easy for the man seeking her hand in marriage to ask those who are responsible for her their permission to marry her; and that their answer is received and/or attained with ease, without any hesitation, (severing of the process and without) conditions or stipulations.

(...her dowry is easy...): (meaning), there is no hardship for the man who seeks her hand in marriage to come up with and find (a dowry) which is outside of his basic needs, (meaning that it will not take away from his basic needs.)

(...and her womb is easy.): (meaning) for children, so she gets pregnant quickly and easily and has a lot of off-spring.