Author: Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool (hafithahullah)
Source: The Shaikh's Official Twitter Account/ This article was written in Kuwait on the 4th of Thul Hijjah, 1436
Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee
In the name of Allah The Most Merciful Bestower of mercy. May the Peace and Exultations be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions and supporters.
As to follows:
I have been asked, "How do you respond to the one who says, 'The criticism of an 'Aalim against a Shaikh by saying he is a liar or troublemaker; that this constitutes a detailed criticism and thus takes precedence over a praise without restriction?'"
I responded by saying,
This is not unrestrictedly the case. The rebuttal of this speech is from a (number) of angles:
Firstly: The criticism taking precedence over the praise is with the condition that the criticism is confirmed to be true upon the one who is being criticized. If it is the case that it is not confirmed true, it would then have no effect.
Secondly: The (term) troublemaker carries a multitude of meanings which may not be with and in itself an (actual criticism) or that which an individual is disparaged by, so this is NOT detailed.
Thirdly: A detailed criticism that was refuted and rejected by a reputable 'Aalim who clarified the lack of effectiveness/validity (of said criticism) does not take precedence in this case.
Fourthly: A detailed criticism, if it is launched against some of the Salafis, there MUST be brought forth (proof and evidence) and that which clearly expresses their (actual) obstinance and persistence upon falsehood.